Urban Furniture
Urban furniture or in English (Urban Furniture) refers to a set of objects and equipment to decorate and provide services in urban public spaces. These urban elements include benches, tables, chairs, lights, trash cans, waterfalls, parking lots, light towers, etc. The purpose of urban furniture is to provide a comfortable and attractive space for living, recreation and interaction of people in public spaces. On the other hand, urban furniture is one of the tools that can be used to make urban spaces more beautiful and attractive and, as a result, increase the use of public spaces and create more communication between people.
Urban furniture has many advantages for cities and citizens. Below are some of these benefits:
Increasing urban activities: Urban furniture can make the public space of the city more attractive and increase urban activities, such as walking, running, cycling, etc.
Improving the quality of life: urban furniture can turn the public space into a comfortable and attractive environment and improve the quality of life of citizens.
Preservation of the environment: urban furniture can help reduce the production of urban waste, prevent air and water pollution, preserve the environment and further exploit natural resources.
Encouraging social interaction: Urban furniture can help encourage social interaction and create a space for people to talk and have fun.
Tourism development: urban furniture can help attract tourists to the city and cause the economic development of the city.
Creating a sense of security for citizens: Since urban furniture is one of the tools used to create security in the urban space, it has had a positive effect on reducing crime and delinquency. This result indicates that urban furniture can be used as an effective means to increase security in the urban space.
City beautification: Urban furniture increases the visual appeal of public spaces. This includes factors such as color, texture and form.
In general, urban furniture can help improve the quality of life of citizens and develop the public space of the city.
Urban furniture is one of the important factors in designing and improving public spaces. The design of urban furniture requires compliance with the principles and basics of design. In the following, some principles of urban furniture design will be discussed.
Paying attention to the needs of users: in the design of urban furniture, the needs of users must be paid attention to. For example, furniture should be designed in such a way that people can use it comfortably and safely. Also, the combination of different applications in the design of urban furniture can increase its efficiency and versatility.
Paying attention to the spatial context: In the design of urban furniture, the spatial context should be taken into account. For example, attention should be paid to various dimensions such as temporal, perceptual, morphological, visual, social, task and design governance.
Use of materials resistant to weather conditions: in the design of urban furniture, materials that are resistant to harsh weather and capable of recycling should be used to help preserve the environment.
Attention to security principles: In urban furniture design, security principles should also be considered. For example, furniture with the ability to withstand heavy impacts can be used to prevent cars from entering the public space.
Use of interior design tools: In urban furniture design, attention should be paid to the use of interior design tools. For example, in the design of urban furniture, 3D design and simulation software should be used in order to design the furniture virtually and use its various features.
Use of billard: Billards are known as important elements in the design of urban furniture.
In the design of urban furniture, materials that can withstand harsh weather and can be recycled should be used to help preserve the environment.
They should be designed according to the weather conditions of the cities. For example, in areas with hot and dry climates, shaded furniture is very useful to protect people from the sun and also prevent sunlight from penetrating their eyes. Also, in spaces designed for children to play, furniture with soft and safe covers can be used to prevent physical injuries to children.
These pieces of furniture can be pieces of urban architecture that have a significant impact on creating a fresh public space used by people through different shapes, materials, colors and capabilities.
Urban furniture can be classified into several categories based on function and location. Here are some of the most common types of urban furniture:
Park furniture: This includes benches, picnic tables, swings and other amenities that are installed in parks and green spaces.
Street furniture: This includes benches, trash cans, bike racks, bus shelters, and other elements that line sidewalks and streets.
Traffic furniture: This includes traffic bollards, barriers, and other elements that are installed to control traffic flow and improve safety.
Advertising furniture and signage: This includes billboards, kiosks and other elements used for advertising and information purposes.
Each type of urban furniture has its own characteristics and design considerations. For example, park furniture should be durable, weather resistant and comfortable, while outdoor furniture should be sturdy, easy to maintain and visually appealing. Traffic furniture should be highly visible, impact resistant and able to withstand harsh weather conditions.